Monday, November 16, 2009

Day 8

I figure 430am is as good a time to start your day as any.

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear T-Lo!
Happy birthday to you!

How to attend a Hamilton Tiger Cats football game:

1. Leave all identification at home.
2. Paint face entirely.
3. Get cheap seats in the end zone for easy access to field during half time.
4. Get as drunk as a lord.
5. At half time, get two friends to create a diversion while running on the field.
6. As friends get tackled by security and police, run to goal post.
7. Climb goal post amidst screaming, cheering crowd.
8. Hang off flag. Slide down pole.
9. Stagger, on bar, to other side of goal post.
10. Drop willingly into open arms of policemen waiting below.

See, that's how things roll in the Hammer. The Prez showed the youtube video clip to my nephews, saying "Do you want to see Uncle Big E's friends at the football game? Do you remember this? We were sitting over there!" [points to area of stands completely unrelated to end zone]

Of course, that little fracas has nothing on the SnakeBite All-Star Cincinnati experience... but that is a story to be told another time.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't seen him in a long time but I believe that Big E may be the guy at the end of this video. It may be the Prez
    What fans will do after a couple dozen drinks. Happy B-day!!! How was your weekend?
